20040320 After

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Just a few hours after I took the other photos, it appears that some of the guy's friends came to rescue the vehicle from the cliff. 

Their identities have been slightly altered so as not to harm the innocent. That reminds me... certainly some innocent person/s could have been very harmed if this guy hadn't gotten his truck stuck like this last night. 

This is yet another example of how a lack in critical thinking can be more harmful than it seems on the surface. From what I saw on the drive shaft, it looks like this guy is going to have a lot of repair work to pay for on the truck (and possibly payment for repair of damage caused to the concrete wall). Also, he could have killed someone on the road if he had actually been driving this thing out there somewhere much longer. 

Fortunately for everyone else, the police showed up and canceled that possibility. Now he has a DUI on his record though and who knows what else to deal with connected to this whole incident. 

I wonder if he'll reconsider the potential consequences (for him and potentially for others) of DUI more seriously next time he thinks about getting behind the steering wheel of such an enormous, heavy piece of machinery. I sure hope so. 

When getting somewhere is more important than being safe and participating in a healthy way within the boundaries that society has established (unless the boundaries are obviously flawed, unnecessary or no longer appropriate), I think we'd all be better off just sitting down and asking for help. What could possibly be so important that someone would risk killing other innocent people just to get somewhere? 

Come on folks. Let's wake up here. Driving a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right. 

What do you |~_~|

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